Thursday, June 21, 2012

Press Play and then read the story
Theatre of the Mind

The day after the funeral, the child was awake before everyone, and had begun to establish contact with his recently deceased grandmother. Outside, the birds acknowledged the grey dawn. In front of him lay the gutted remains of a 40 channel mobile CB radio, a soldering iron, green, red, and black wires, a clamp-on ammeter, coiled up coax, and an off-white saucer sprinkled with crumbs and 2 remaining sugar cookies. The child was sitting on his knees in a gardeners position, earnestly turning the RF gain in conjunction with the squelch control. In static colored visions, he heard himself travel outside of his parent's home, up into the sky and further into the ionosphere where electricity traveled unencumbered and reached all the way around the Earth. He whizzed by planets and brushed by comets and gravely nodded to event horizons surrounding sightless black holes, which he knew emptied themselves out into white holes in alternate universes. His grandmother had always loved his imagination, and now he was using it to reach out to her, to make contact with her, to establish a link and a connection, to ensure that there really was a destination at the end of our travels through life. In the end however, he only heard static.