"What To Look At While Someone Takes A Solo"
"10 Steps To Writing Songs That Aren't About Your Tired Ass Life"
"The Chordal Koran; Music for your next Jihad"
"Music: The Highway to Homelessness"
"10 Steps To Writing Songs That Aren't About Your Tired Ass Life"
"The Chordal Koran; Music for your next Jihad"
"Music: The Highway to Homelessness"
Other books biographically dismantled musical heroes to show their soft inner shell, others painted the tortured soul engaged in mid-air combat with creative demons. Most books aimed to help musicians ditch self-consciousness and get back to the heart of music making. Which got me thinking; why do something that necessitates books like this? Why do something that makes you doubt yourself? Art is hard on your person. Which in turn made me say; but only as hard as you make it.
Which brings me to True Grit.
True Grit left me feeling electrified. Something was rattling and humming inside of me after I left the theater. It's as if I saw a declamatory statement on screen, not a suggestion of what a movie should be, or an appropriation of the ingredients of a good story reconstituted in the form of a movie. A real piece of work. The Coen Bros. excel at making movies "their" way. This is not to say they're doing something groundbreaking, it's just that they have found a way to do something different with cliche.
What happens when music, film, dance, art leaves you with this "electricity?" These meaningful events are packed with the energy of the people who created them. The more they drop true inspiration into the product (rather than second guessing, bowing to outside influences, trying to sound like something they're not) the more it glows with the fire of creation, the more it affects us.
So I say, live in your own world. Populate your inner world with the monuments of forward motion and determination. Fill the skyline with the architecture of inspiration drawn from sources within, as well as drawn from outside influences. Challenge your own thoughts to ensure you're not building on a swamp. Constantly build and make it the most dynamic and amazing world no one else will ever see!
Long=Short - People are gonna hate. People are gonna love. More than likely, people are gonna not give a shit. So the answer is, Do it!
You wanna write a song about making love to a shark? Do it!
You wanna hang a piece of wire on a nail and call it "Disillusionment 7"? Do it!
You feel the need to make a movie about a family of traveling coats that meet a vest and that just turns their whole world upside down? Do it!
Which brings me to True Grit.
What happens when music, film, dance, art leaves you with this "electricity?" These meaningful events are packed with the energy of the people who created them. The more they drop true inspiration into the product (rather than second guessing, bowing to outside influences, trying to sound like something they're not) the more it glows with the fire of creation, the more it affects us.
So I say, live in your own world. Populate your inner world with the monuments of forward motion and determination. Fill the skyline with the architecture of inspiration drawn from sources within, as well as drawn from outside influences. Challenge your own thoughts to ensure you're not building on a swamp. Constantly build and make it the most dynamic and amazing world no one else will ever see!
Long=Short - People are gonna hate. People are gonna love. More than likely, people are gonna not give a shit. So the answer is, Do it!
You wanna write a song about making love to a shark? Do it!
You wanna hang a piece of wire on a nail and call it "Disillusionment 7"? Do it!
You feel the need to make a movie about a family of traveling coats that meet a vest and that just turns their whole world upside down? Do it!
You never get heard if you never make a noise. So be proud and live in your own world, drink your own kool-aid, and believe in yourself - the rest will fall where it will.